Welcome to the beta version of the new Business Support Hub. Please use this form to provide any comments or suggestions.
Digital Tourism Scotland / Matt Davis
From developing your digital channels to improving customer experience, find everything you need to improve and grow your tourism or events business.
All the latest support and tailored recommendations for your industry.
Essential tools, legal guidance and staff support to launch successfully.
Deliver quality experiences with customer insights, accessibility and service excellence.
Boost visibility through engaging content, social media and marketing partnerships.
Develop new products, secure funding and expand with expert advice.
Sustainably grow your tourism or events business with actionable green strategies.
Find tailored advice and case studies for accommodation, active and outdoor, events and festivals, food and drink and visitor attraction sectors.
Find any new business support, advice or case studies.
Set, share and maintain your product standards to exceed customer expectations and continually improve your business.
Understand the visitor markets and work out how to target them with your marketing.
Walk through options for improving your business from service standards to new products, partners and audiences.
Get set up to sell through online travel agents, tour operators and more.
VisitScotland Connect
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Understand how working with a distribution partner is different to selling directly to customers, and how you can find the right partner for your business.
Our series of practical articles and videos will help you prepare your product and pitch it to a distribution partner.
Inspire and engage customers on your digital marketing channels.
Find out what makes a good website including key pages and booking systems, and how you can develop and improve this digital channel.
Find out how creating a good user experience (UX) online can positively impact your business and get tips on how to improve the UX for your visitors.
Find out how to use social media to share information about your business and inspire people to come and visit you.
Find out what search engine optimisation is and how to improve it on your tourism or event website.